Time Management

Time Management Techniques

Time Management is one of the important and most powerful tool that a successful man always carries. Effective time management involves patience and practical thinking. It's really difficult to manage time. But once you know the secret it will be much easier. When you decide and get right down to it, it becomes much easier. Time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to maintain the process of time management to allow us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But time management may be called a magical remedy for getting the actions done that you need to do.

Time Management is one of the important and most powerful tool that a successful man always carries. Effective time management involves patience and practical thinking. It's really difficult to manage time. But once you know the secret it will be much easier. When you decide and get right down to it, it becomes much easier. Time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to maintain the process of time management to allow us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But time management may be called a magical remedy for getting the actions done that you need to do.

Truly speaking time management is not a new concept. From the ancient times, it has been carried on. Time cannot be managed automatically but one needs to manage time. So really time management is self-management, so start by identifying your time wasters.

We all know that there are many things that distracts our attention and wastes our time. For e.g., a telephone interrupts our work, visitors divert our attention, stress, fatigue, procrastination, poor planning, unclear objectives, and disorganization all are time wasters.

The best way to manage time is to carve more hours out of a day and take control of the schedules, organize it better and you will find time is automatically managed. It is seen that if you organize your schedule your task doubles. In achieving a desired goal, a positive outlook is required. You must be excited with the challenges and tasks that you have to do to give you the right start or motivation.

One of the chief reasons why we manage our time is because we have a goal or destination in our life which must be achieved in a specific time. Without results or goals, there would be no need to manage or even care about time. In this fast competitive world one needs to value time orelse he will loose the competition. Though it was quite possible quite a few days back that we could live each day moment to moment, not worrying about the passage of time. Unfortunately, today's world demands that we make the most of each minute.

Management is one of the most sort skills in today's world. Time management skills are your abilities to recognize and solve personal time management problems. The goal of these time management lessons is to show you what you can do to improve those skills.

Always remember that with proper time management skills you are in control of your schedule and your life, and reduce your stress and energy levels. You make progress at work. You are able to maintain balance between your work, personal, and family lives. You have enough flexibility to respond to surprises or new opportunities.

It should be kept in mind that time Management skills are essential for any successful people - these are the practical techniques which have helped the leading people in business, sport and public service reach the pinnacles of their careers. The skills we explain help you become highly effective by showing you how to identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns. Investing in these time management activities will actually save you time, helping you work smarter, not harder.

Content Developer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bipasha_Chowdhury


Can You Fully Grasp The 3 Ranges of Time Management?

As you carefully read this article you will find that it goes to the very heart of mature Time Management.

It covers things that absolutely anyone can do and takes no time at all to learn because you can already do it easily.

Can you think of anyone around you that needs this?

But before I reveal to you the most overlooked and most vital recommendation for time management, consider this..

There are three categories for Time Management.

Below are three excellent and highly recommended techniques for time management that I use all the time.

And if you pay close attention you will understand why techniques for ALL three 'ranges' of time are vital for an optimized approach to time management.

TECHNIQUE 1: Short-range Time Management: Daily 10-Minute On-track Review

The 10-Minute On-track Time Management Review is one of my favorite daily techniques.

In just 10 minutes we can jot down most of the things floating around in our mind and take a strong grip on them by seeing them written down.

At times we get off track, whether practically, or with our efficiency, or emotionally. When that happens I usually realize I have not done a 10 minute 'how is it going' self-review, so I do it then and things seem so much clearer and in my grasp.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, try it, just jot down those buzzing thoughts, and you'll immediately feel in far more control.

And if you already know this; if this already seems terribly simple to you..

..then I beg you this question:

How consistent are you at doing it as part of your regular Time Management operations? If you do it regularly, then that's awesome.

But I wonder if you have got the 2nd Time Management technique in place too?

TECHNIQUE 2: For Long-range Time Management: Weekend Review

Take an hour or so every single weekend to review the past week and plan for the coming week.

I confess, I myself find this difficult to stick to, yet it's so so so important for total Time Management.

Don't let your brain trick you into missing this. It can be extremely hard work to think of all the messy details of how things are going and attempting to put it all in order. But don't let your brain get away with chickening out.

"Brain, for the next hour, it's you and me bucko!"

The Weekend Review is much like the 10-Minute Review, but the Weekend Review should include 'everything' in your life.

If you've never done this before, then it'll be a bumpy roller coaster the first time you do it.

Have you got the guts? Have you got the foresight that it is well worth doing?

Dedicate an entire afternoon (maybe it will take a day), perhaps with a friend, to individually do a 'mind-dump' of everything important and significant in your life.

This will help your time management drastically because it will push your mind to be aware of projects, responsibilities, and desires that you could, should, are, or want to ultimately be doing.

And you can't apply yourself to the very best possible time management if you are not staying optimally mindful of things, right?

Write down all the big important things in your life, present, and desired, and at the weekend check how things are going in relation to your Time Management 'Master List' that you update and review at the weekends.

So now we need to fill the gap between the short term 10 minute time management and the long-term big life vision time management.

TECHNIQUE 3: For Medium-range Time Management: Current Project List

Key Principle: Time Management works via taking future envisioned results, identifying their steps of achievement, scheduling them, and then acting on what is scheduled.

So technique 3 is this:

Maintain an active list of all your current projects.

This should be a list of every single active project or responsibility you have got going in your life.

It will include repeated responsibilities you have got such as the weekly shopping spree, because writing those things down will push you to fit them efficiently into your time management schedule.

You can't have optimum time management unless you include everything you need to have time management for, right?

To conclude: There are 3 ranges of our life thus we require 3 core techniques of time management.

Always remember those three requirements.

Oh, and I promised to reveal the most overlooked yet greatest time management secret.

It's implied in the above 3 techniques and it is this:

Write things down, don't just let things revolve around your head.

"Don't just think it, Ink it!"

This is the number one priority I want my clients to learn from me for their Time Management success.

Do you know the following fact established by Brian Tracy?

Writing down the things we want to do, have, and become, moves us to the top 3% of the population in terms of life success.

So fancy being among the elite of men and women?

Take pen to paper regularly and get things committed to clear precise orderliness on paper (or computer).

That really is the overlooked secret to all of Time Management.

Currently touring Thailand whilst writing and coaching, Nathan Shaw has a 15 page Time Management Missing Principles Handbook available free.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_F._Shaw

When Is Time Management Not Enough?

A working manager needs more than time management.

That old saying, "Dance with the one that brought you to the ball," came to mind as I received a reality jolt recently.

Let me share with you that jolting insight. I was in transition away from managing several groups of technicians and professionals to more personal hands-on production management. My self-image and reputation lead me to assume that simply putting in the same hours in my usual efficient manner would do the trick. So, I continued tracking my time.

Wrong assumption!

It was necessary to get back to basics or, to use the wisdom of that old saying, to dance with the one who got me from there to here. Namely, tracking specific actions that produce results instead of tracking time spent on specific and general activity.

What I was suspecting was painfully true. Effective results were falling short of my own standards and objectives.

I replaced my time managing controls with production controls. My daily discipline, attitudes and focus changed immediately and so did the output. I was no longer deceiving myself by playing that look-how-hard-I'm-trying game

It's a humbling experience when the manager needs the same supervision as salespeople, technicians and other such producers. It's embarrassing when a manager applies to oneself the same stringent supervisory methods he or she once used on salespersons and other responsible persons working in critical profit centers.

While this piece is directed to the owner/manager who plays a hands-on role in a small business, it serves as a reminder to all managers who could be due for a comparative review of daily actions, time use and actual output.

Now, let me share with you the simple control device that did the turn-around for me.

It was set up as a spreadsheet. In the first column I listed the items to be produced, in the second column were the objectives (e.g: 10 / week, 0.2/day, 12 in can, etc.) and to the right columns headed with dates of the workdays for the month into which you tally your production. In the far right columns are totals and evaluation against your objectives.

The vertical tally gives you a quick view of your daily output.

You can construct this on your personal workstation, laptop or palm device. I opted for a printout for recording my single stroke [|||] tally because I was working at my desktop computer. Results can be entered on my spreadsheet or into my database later if I want more extensive analyses or records.

This is especially valuable for the manager assuming the responsibility of selling to key accounts and may have excused himself or herself from the scrutiny of a sales manager.

It's a good idea to occasionally review all of your functions for any possible lapses into some gold-bricking activities. It pays to ask yourself, "Who's managing the manager?" Should you find a weakness, you have my empathy as it can be a humbling and/or embarrassing experience. Take heart - it's rewarded with valuable improvements in your own productivity along with improved self-esteem.

Gerry McRae has taught time management techniques in his university courses and at several police colleges. He is also the author of "Time Management for Entrepreneurs - What to do, When & Why" available at http://www.unclemaxsays.com/timemanagement.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerry_McRae


Time Management Tips for Managers

Late last year I was presenting a workshop for the senior managers of a major organisation. Whilst doing a pre-workshop survey to assess the challenges these managers were experiencing it became very apparent to me that many of them were showing the signs of business burn-out. And it was no wonder why. They were suffering from 'Priority Problems'. Quite simply they were making the mistake of doing the urgent rather than the important tasks.

They were working extremely long hours, with no time for themselves or the people in their lives. Their offices and departments were cluttered as was their communication as a consequence. This meant that they had difficulty communicating effectively with team members and, worse still with their families. Naturally this had a huge impact on the morale and productivity of their teams and the bottom line. What it did on the home front was even worse!

And yet overcoming Priority Problems is pretty easy. All you have to do is look at what successful managers do and model their behaviour. You'll also find that they are very effective with their time management skills.

Five Secrets of Highly Successful Managers:

Highly successful managers are great role models

They practice what they preach.

Highly successful managers invest time and money in their team and themselves

They develop their people and themselves through education and coaching.

Highly successful managers are organised

They learn effective time management skills so they can manage their time and have systems in place which enables them and their team to work on the important issues.

Highly successful managers are fit and healthy

They understand that a healthy mind and body improves their productivity and general well-being.

Highly successful managers have a life

They apply their time management skills so they can enjoy ensure their personal life is a priority. They know by having a balance makes them a happier and more successful manager.

The result of putting these secrets into action is pretty simple. Highly successful mangers get their priorities about people, work and home right! They hone their time management skills and apply them to all areas of their life.

About The Author

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist and Leading Life Coach. Her business The Office Organiser specialises in showing small business owners and managers, how to get organised at work so they can have a life! Lorraine is also a dynamic speaker and has produced many products including "How to Survive and Thrive at Work!" To subscribe to her free ezine visit www.office-organiser.com.au

This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and all links. For further information please contact Lorraine Pirihi; lorraine@office-organiser.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lorraine_Pirihi
