Do You Run Your Life Or Does It Run You?

It's Time to Take Control Of Your Life And Manage Your Time Effectively

If the last thing on your list is time for you and the things that are dear to you, it's time to make some changes.

How Do You Spend Your Time?

Are you constantly doing whatever shouts loudest? If time runs away from you it's time to get it under control.

Like everyone else, you have 24 hours each day. You can't create more time, but you can make better choices about how you spend your time.

When you choose how to spend your time, you start to live life on purpose and spend more time and energy on what's important to you. Honouring your priorities and focusing on one thing at a time reduces stress and helps you to accomplish more with less effort.

Is Multi-Tasking All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Do you think about the things you didn't get done or think about what you need to do instead of concentrating on what you're doing now? Do you try to do too many things at once? When you scatter your thoughts and attention it can lead to a sense of feeling rushed and being pulled in too many directions.

When you multi-task you often end up with a number of things only partly done. This leaves you feeling dissatisfied and sometimes anxious. When you give your full attention to what you're doing or to the people you're speaking to, it's more satisfying.

Choosing to focus your thoughts and energy, doing one thing at a time and doing it well, helps you to do more, with increased peace and a greater sense of fulfilment.

Choose How To Spend Your Time

Life is full of possibilities. You're constantly faced with choices of how to spend your time. Because there isn't enough time to do everything you give up one thing to do another. The problem is that you have a tendency to concentrate on things you think you should do that aren't satisfying and aren't always as important as you think they are.

When you know what's important to you and have clear priorities, it's easier to make wise choices about how to spend your time. When you focus on things that are important to you, you'll feel good because you'll be spending time doing what you want to do and making more effective use of your time.

Action Steps What one idea will you take from this article and use right away?

When will you get started?

Copyright: Lynne Lee - All rights reserved

Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and spiritual mentor. She helps people to re-design their lives around what matters most.