Time Management

Imagine Having Four Extra Hours Per Day

What would you do if you had four extra hours to spend every day?

I could hand it to you right now on a silver platter if you like. By tomorrow you could have an extra four hours already. The hours would add up quickly. In a week, you would have 28 extra hours. In a month, you would have over 120 extra hours. In just a year, you would have 1460 hours (61 solid days!). Imagine what you could do all that time.

Don't believe this is possible?

There's more. You won't need to quit your job to get this time. You won't need to cut out half of your night's sleep. You don't even need to buy anything. Getting this time is simple. Some people may find it a bit challenging. Others may even consider it a bit revolutionary. All you have to do to get this extra time is:

Get rid of your TV.

That's right. That is all you have to do. Get rid of it. Good-bye. Cionara. Au reviore. Tschuss. Ciao. Toss it out the window. Throw it in the trash. Get rid of it. Toss it in Boston harbor and have a Boston 'TV' party! On second thought, TV sets are toxic waste. Take your old sets to the toxic reclamation center.

You may even get more than four hours a day by turning off your television set for good. Some people may get a little less. If you are an average American, you will gain an average of 4 hours 35 minutes every day. Now, let's imagine how you might actually use these four hours every day.

Hour 1-Sleep and Self Renewal

Do you need more sleep? Have you been watching the late, late, late show every night with glazed eyes and the remote control mysteriously glued to your hand? Starting tonight, you could start getting the full amount of sleep you need.

Perhaps you could benefit from some quiet personal time for reflection every day. You could read a book. You could pray or meditate. You could relax in a hammock. You could go for an evening stroll and observe all the houses with funny glows emanating from their depths, the residents staring blankly at their TV screens.

Hour 2-Health and Exercise

Once you get some rest, you could get that couch potato body moving again. You could go outside and enjoy the great outdoors. You could play. You could dance. If you have children, instead of allowing them to watch the "after-school specials," you could send your kids outside in the time-honored tradition of parents everywhere: "Go Outside and Play!" You could even start that exercise regimen you have been putting off since New Years.

Hour 3-Family and Friends

Probably the greatest benefit to getting rid of the TV is that you have time to spend with your family and friends, actually interacting and building happy memories. TV is such a horrible substitute for real family interactions. Building real memories and enjoying real interactions with friends and family is far more rewarding than reruns of Leave it to Beaver or Friends.

Your family could start eating meals together. You could have a "Family Game Night." You could invite your friends over for a cup of coffee. You could even take a mini-vacation.

Hour 4-Community Time

An interesting essay by Robert Putnam called "The Strange Disappearance of Civic America" highlighted an important problem: since the advent of television Americans' "civic engagement", or participation in social groups, has been declining.

It is time to bring back the America of old, the good old days when Americans led the world in community engagement. Bring back the neighborhood block parties. Bring back the church potlucks. Bring back the social activism. In the past these things defined America. TV has turned America into the "blue light special" nation, a pathetic shadow of the America of community builders and problem solvers of yore.

The choice is yours

Naturally, how you choose to spend your four hours a day is totally up to you. These suggestions are only meant to spark your imagination. You could devote your entire four hours to building a business or mastering a new skill. You could devote all your extra time to your family or your community. You could write a book. You could even go fishing for four hours every day. The opportunities are limitless.

Of course, you may have to sacrifice the latest sexcapade on "Desperate Housewives." You may need to forego "Must see TV". You may have to sacrifice the latest football drama and the interminable replays. You might even miss the latest antics of Brittany and Paris.

However, consider what you will gain if you merely find the willpower to get rid of your TV.

Time Management Skills - 5 You Must Have Now

There's only one thing you can't buy more of in life and that's time. Yet many of us complain that we just don't have enough. So it's vital to maximise what we do have and make the most of our time management with absolute effectiveness and efficiency.

Yet it comes down to personal habits and changes you can start to make, right away. Here are five ideas to get you started.

Get Organised

Whatever you do in your business, it won't work well if you are disorganized. Truth is many business-people are, so they solve it by surrounding themselves with people who are very capable. They get people in to manage them! If your business isn't that big, then there are always great team members who might have time management skills you're a bit short on. Learning to be organized can be achieved to greater or lesser extents, but you have to have things in the right places at the right times, or things will start to go wrong

Do What's Important

By focusing on where you personally add the best value, you leverage the excellent skills you bring to your business. Using delegating skills to empower, develop and get the best from others is vital. Great bosses do what they are good at and lose the rest. Building team resources is one of the best places to start and to do so it's critical that you recognize the areas where you add less value yourself. Letting go as a business grows is one of the biggest challenges.

Manage E-mail and Phone Calls

Now for some tactical steps. There are always demands on your time. Yet that is so precious. By analyzing where your time goes, you can easily find out whether it is the best use of your contributions. Impositions from others, often unexpected, like e-mail and phone calls, can not only be managed, but trained, even though it is sometimes tough to say 'no'. So that's a start in getting your time management effective. Follow this by making time-slots for fixed periods of time throughout the day for these communication processes and you will find that you don't let yourself slide.

Make Time to Think

Once you get some control back, take some of it back by slackening off. If you create spaces for yourself to think in your day, you will find you are released from tactical day-to-day fire-fighting and start to get creative with problem-solving, planning and development. Which is what you must have to progress. Every time you solve a problem, ask yourself, 'What would it take to make this problem not happen ever again'?, 'What could I use the time for'? And provide solutions that fix sources of problems, not sticking-plaster one-off short-cuts.

Closed Door/Open Door

It's great to be there for your people. Building relationships is one of the most valuable activities you can undertake in your business. On your own terms. Whilst having an open-door policy help make you approachable, it isn't good time management to have that all the time. So open your door when you are ready to be interrupted - and close it the rest of the time when you need to do your own work. People get to realize what you are doing and understand - even take the tactic into the way they run their own work practices. That works!

Five little time management steps that can make a huge difference when you make a start. And there's no time like the present!

See How Easily You Can Balance Your Work and Home Life

Balancing your work life and your home life can be very difficult. Your job can require more of you than you are able to give in a typical 8 to 10 hour day. A lot of people will bring work home with them at night or on the weekends or will work longer hours to get their jobs finished. But the more time that you spend on your work, the less time you can spend with your family. A lot of marital problems can stem from one or both spouses spending more time at their job than with each other. However, there are ways to get your work life and your home life into balance.

* Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy balanced meal three times a day. Drink plenty of water and schedule exercise into your day, even if it's only 15 minutes. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. These are the most important steps that you need to take to get your life back in balance. Someone who is tired, skipping meals and is out of shape cannot function at their maximum capacity.

* Say no to the unimportant tasks. Many people do not know how to say no. They get themselves so buried in doing things for others that it becomes impossible for them to do anything for themselves.

* Make a list of your priorities. Think about what you want to be remembered for. If you had to write your own obituary, what would you want it to say? Do you want to be remembered for being an excellent employee and a "yes" person or do you want to be remembered as being a loving parent and spouse whose greatest accomplishment is family? Learn to say no to the things that will not help you achieve your goal.

* Another great way to balance your work with your home life is to find a job that is family friendly. Find an employer that recognizes that you have other people in your life and these people have needs too. Things such as employee assistance programs, health insurance that covers dependents and spouse, on-site child-care and paternity leave are all benefits to look for.

* Simplify your life. De-clutter your office at work and at home. Group your errands and take your child with you when you go. This is a great way to spend some alone time with your child. Turn off the television. Turning off the TV will free up precious time to play board games with the family or get out and take a walk with them.

* Eat together. Make it a priority for the family to get together for a least one meal a day at the table. This is valuable time that can be spent learning about your kids and some of the challenges they may be facing.

These are a few suggestions to help balance your work life and your home life. List your priorities and make a schedule to stick to them. Learn to say no to the unimportant things. You only get one chance at life. It's up to you to do everything you can to make it count.

Fix Your Chronic Tardiness Problem - Your Personal Challenge on Respecting Time Commitments

Whether intentional or by misfortune, being late for a meeting is, in itself, a visible sign of disrespect for other people's time. Think about the fact that your tardiness usually affects not just your own productivity. Your being late has a infectious multiplying factor because tardiness impacts the productivity of those many that are kept waiting. The impact in real dollar cost associated with productivity loss related to lateness are staggering.

Bottom line: 10 minutes/day of lateness equates to $90 Billion/year in lost productivity or 1% of the US GDP

Recent studies have shown that chronic tardiness affects 20% of the US population, Yes, 20% are consistently late. In 2006 Corporate CEOs show being late 8 out of 10 meetings. This alarming trend of Chronic CEO tardiness has actually worsened since 2002, when a study by management consulting firm Proudfoot, highlighted CEOs were late six in 10 meetings.

All good studies wouldn't be complete unless they categorized the types of latecomers. According to an ABC News report in March 2007, there are 4 types of chronic tardiness people:

1) Rationalizer type: Blames outside factors

2) Absent-minded Professor type: forgetful or disorganized

3) Deadline or Producer Type: Adrenaline addicted junkie. Gets a psychological high on having a jammed schedule

4) Rebel type: Defies authority and gets a high in keeping people waiting. Feel so important that feel people are willing to wait.

Diana DeLonzor, in her book Never Be Late Again, has chronic lateness types further defined into seven categories.

Bottom line: Whether it is a thrill or habit, there are steps you can take to reduce and eliminate your chronic tardiness problem.

How do you respect and effectively utilize the universally shared commodity of time?

Balancing your time with those around you is an ongoing challenge. Be vigilant about effectively using your time and anyone sharing your time. Your calendar, your day timer (or PDA) and the clock are intrinsic tools of the business trade. Learn to tell time, use timers and challenge yourself to get there on time.

There are mental mind-sets and effective meeting processes that can help you kick the tardiness problem (they helped me).

Consider your scheduled meeting times as just a center point of your overall meeting time. It is usually the informal meetings or contact before and after the formal session where most of the business or decisions are solidified. Always allow time for this informal contact:

1) Allow yourself 15 minutes before each scheduled meeting or event to: - get your thoughts or agenda together at the location for the meeting - have a quick meeting with the main person to review the agenda - chat with the person who is setting up the meeting room to get information on the attendees. Executive Assistants and Administrative Assistants can be an invaluable source of information. Build trust with this individual. - socialize and introduce yourself to the attendees prior to the formal meeting. You are likely to pick-up on the temperament of key individuals attending your meeting.

2) Allow 15 minutes after each scheduled meeting or event to:
- review how effective the meeting was perceived by your key customer (coach) or by an attending colleague.
- Take time with the key person (key influencer) to review the outcome of the meeting and strategize next steps
- Test the water and ask for the business. You might actually get the order. Alllow time for that too

3) Give yourself the 15/15 minute buffer before and after each scheduled meeting to allow for unexpected things. Plus you will less likely impact on subsequent meeting times. Early is always better than late. Arriving on-time is the most visible sign of disrespect toward the other people involved. For first time meetings, being on-time is one of the major positive impacts on 'first and lasting impressions'. Add to your good reputation – be on-time.

Including this 15/15 Time Wrapper around each of your scheduled appointments and meetings will afford you more time to prepare/strategize (before)and then assess/close(afterwards). Reduce stress on both yourself and those around you. Your respect for other people's time is a measure of your own self-respect. Being respectful is an honorable trait - a trait that can only add to your glowing reputation.

Some Time Savers

In my Time Management seminars which I have conducted for more than 100,000 people from around the globe, I show people how to get more done in less time, with less stress; to help them have more time for the things they want to do in their work and business lives.

If you can recapture a wasted hour here and there and redirect it to a more productive use, you can make great increases in your daily productivity.

Here are five of the techniques I share in our Time Management seminars, each one of which will help you to get at least one more hour out of your day of additional productive time.

1. Maintain Balance. Your life consists of Seven Vital Areas: Health, Family, Financial, Intellectual, Social, Professional, and Spiritual. You will not spend equal amounts of time in each area or time every day in each area. But, if in the long run, you are spending a sufficient quantity and quality of time in each area, then your life will be balanced. But ignore any one of your areas, (never mind two or three!) and you will get out of balance and potentially sabotage your success. Fail to take time now for your health and you will have to take time for illness later on. Ignore your family and they may leave you and cost you a lot of time to re-establish relationships.

2. Get the Power of the Pen. A faint pen has more power than the keenest mind. Get into the habit of writing things to do down using one tool (a Day-Timer, pad of paper, Palm Pilot, etc.) Your mind is best used for the big picture rather than all the details. The details are important, but manage them with the pen. If you want to manage it you have to measure it first. Writing things down helps you to more easily remember all that you need to accomplish.

3. Do Daily Planning. It is said that people do not plan to fail but a lot of people fail to plan. Take the time each night to take control of the most precious resource at your command, the next twenty-four hours. Plan your work and then work your plan each day. Write up a To Do list with all you have to’s and all of your want to’s for your next day. Without a plan for the day, you can easily get distracted, spending your time serving the loudest voice rather than attending to the most important things for your day that will enhance your productivity.

4. Prioritize It. Your To Do list will have crucial and not crucial items on it. Despite the fact most people want to be productive, when given the choice between crucial and not crucial items, we will most often end up doing the not crucial items. They are generally easier and quicker than crucial items. Prioritize your To Do list each night. Put the #1 next to the most important item on your list. Place the #2 next to the second most important item on your list, etc. Then tackle the items on your list in order of their importance. You may not get everything done on your list, but you will get the most important things done. This is working smarter, not harder, and getting more done in less time.

5. Control Procrastination. The most effective planning in the world does not substitute for doing what needs to be done. We procrastinate and put off important things because we don’t sense enough pain for not doing it or enough pleasure to do it. To get going on something you have been putting off, create in your mind enough pain for not doing it or enough pleasure to do it. I prefer the pleasure approach. Take a procrastinated project and turn it into to a game. Work with one thing in front of you at a time so other things won’t distract you. ("Out of sight, out of mind.") Break it down to little bite-sized, manageable pieces. Get it started, take the first step and you will likely continue it to completion.

Making The Most Of Your Time

The Modern Pre-occupation with time
Time is a concept that has pre-occupied some of the greatest minds throughout history. It is also a concept that confounds millions of people in the 21st Century. Statements such as I'm busy", "I don't have time to," "When I get the time," are all hallmarks of modern conversation, organizations have mantras of "more with less", yet with all the preoccupation, a solid understanding of "Time Management" remains elusive and limited.

Time is a Resource
Like everything else humans consume, time is a resource, it is finite, it perishable, it can be instantly exhausted and yet it has an enticing illusion of permanence. We spend time on all sorts of minor matters in the belief that one day we will be able to attend to the major matters. We put off the trip of a lifetime only to find our lifetime behind us, we postpone getting fit only to find that fitness is beyond us, we plan to start saving only to find employment behind us.

Take the Long Term View
The single greatest contributor to poor time management is an inability to take a long term view and then translate this view into every action, every day. When we truly understand that time is finite and perishable we start to question how we spend it. And when we start to take a long term view of time we start to consider what we would like to achieve in the time available to us. This is the first step towards developing highly effective Time Management skills.

Effectiveness is the Linchpin
Effectiveness is the most important part of great Time Management, effectiveness is concerned with performing activities that will produce the greatest results. Some people are very efficient (they get a lot done), however it is a lot of the wrong things, they are very ineffective because they do things that do not contribute greatly to the results they are looking for.

What activity can I do NOW that in the long term will make this the best use of my time.

Asking this question of every activity you do in every minute of your life will produce results that will sky rocket you to long term success.

There is Time for Everything
Some people confuse this mindset with demanding that we all be workaholics, using every available minute for work. On the contrary, time must be dedicated to all the different aspects of our life, when at work, ‘what is the most valuable activity right now’, when relaxing, ‘what is the most valuable activity right now’, when exercising, ‘what is the most valuable activity right now’. The most valuable activity right now that will produce the long term results that you are looking for.

Success Exercise
First, review the activities you have done today, then ask yourself, if today had been my last day at work before going on holiday for 1 month, what activities would I have still done today

Second, ask yourself ‘if tomorrow was my last day at work before going on holiday for 1 month, what activities would I do’.

Third, write out the list of activities from step 2 above and see how many you can achieve tomorrow.

Procrastination Solutions

Solutions are proffered when there exists a problem. Procrastination is one of the greatest problem man can ever face. Procrastination can cost you a living, abruptly leaves with you no hope for the future. How can you wake up in the morning with no goals to guide you through the day? How can you succeed in you day-to-day activities with Procrastination taking the most part of you? Even when you have the best plan on the planet, Procrastination will ensure you never get it done, that no one ever hears about it, you’re never celebrated, you’re never given an award, you never meet people real needs. You never even make a living. You only survive because none has the right to end your life.

Procrastination solutions are the best kept secrets of overcoming Procrastination fast! And best of all, you’ll see results in weeks. I have not promised that it is going to be easy, but you’ll have no excuse to give whatsoever when you do not make an impact because of Procrastination. Some of the insider information you’ll need are here outlined.

* Do unpleasant task first and forget about them.
* If a task seems mighty or not inviting, the truth is that you've got to do them and avert some problems in the future – break them down into small steps and tackle them bit by bit.
* Get a deadline for all your projects. Make them realistic so you do not get frustrated when you cannot meet too ambitious goals. There is a kind of urgency attached with a task when a deadline is added.
* Delegate tasks if you have to. Nobody told you that the most successful individuals did it all by themselves.
* Disregard protocols – sometimes, you just have to get started on something – you can start anyhow so you gather enough momentum to continue, when you feel motivated, you can follow orders.
* Change your perception, change our attitude! Because you can easily lie to your subconscious and can deceive it, you become your own worst enemy. Whatever you tell your subconscious is what it acts. You can tell a wrong perception about a task to your subconscious and it will say – yes boss, that's exactly what it is. So why not tell it some good, change your attitude and your thinking about that task – tell it to your subconscious and watch it say – yes boss, that's what it is and we can do it now!
* Now, consider the effects of putting off a task, of not being responsible, of not being in total control, of not making that call, of not checking on the dentist or the doctor, of not trying to loose some weight, quit smoking, being the market leader, being the best you can be.

If you are a perfectionist , you'd have to understand that first, human nature is imperfect. Please start this minute. The world is on its knees for you. The world cannot wait for you to launch that million dollar idea for the benefit of mankind, to reconcile with that old friend, to save yourself ten more years if you quit smoking now, to look sexier if you fight obesity now, to check on your tooth with your doctor or whatever.

There are hundreds, thousands and even millions of excuses you may give to procrastinate on whatever task you have to do, well its definitely to your personal detriment, excuses will always be there. Get started now! And save your future, your spouse, your children, your job, your health, your life!

Fighting Procrastination

Every one of us needs to do something about Procrastination. Better still, everyone of us needs to do something about wrong attitudes, habits and behaviors that contribute to our unproductive lives; a life without meaning, without purpose, without vision, mission or destination. Procrastination is a real success monster. The fear of starting is as real as our next door neighbor. We feel it strong in our minds, our spirit and our body. If we understand its grave effects and consequences, what more do you need do than to fight it.

Fighting Procrastination is not as easy as it sounds. You probably have decided to find along lasting solution to this problem but your efforts are not yielding considerable results. Not too worry, you’re not alone. In this report, we will go A-Z on what steps you need to take in order to fight Procrastination.

Fighting Procrastination will require you to know its causes. For now, let’s get down fighting and knocking out Procrastination fast. Some of these tips on Procrastination are exact same tips I offered some college graduates last year, their testimonials are just tremendous.

* Do unpleasant task first and forget about them.
* If a task seems mighty or not inviting, the truth is that you've got to do them and avert some problems in the future – break them down into small steps and tackle them bit by bit.
* Get a deadline for all your projects. Make them realistic so you do not get frustrated when you cannot meet too ambitious goals. There is a kind of urgency attached with a task when a deadline is added.
* Delegate tasks if you have to. Nobody told you that the most successful individuals did it all by themselves.
* Disregard protocols – sometimes, you just have to get started on something – you can start anyhow so you gather enough momentum to continue, when you feel motivated, you can follow orders.
* Change your perception, change our attitude! Because you can easily lie to your subconscious and can deceive it, you become your own worst enemy. Whatever you tell your subconscious is what it acts. You can tell a wrong perception about a task to your subconscious and it will say – yes boss, that's exactly what it is. So why not tell it some good, change your attitude and your thinking about that task – tell it to your subconscious and watch it say – yes boss, that's what it is and we can do it now!
* Now, consider the effects of putting off a task, of not being responsible, of not being in total control, of not making that call, of not checking on the dentist or the doctor, of not trying to loose some weight, quit smoking, being the market leader, being the best you can be.

If you are a perfectionist, you'd have to understand that first, human nature is imperfect.

. Please start this minute. The world is on its knees for you.Then world cannot wait for you to launch that million dollar idea for the benefit of mankind, to reconcile with that old friend, to save yourself ten more years if you quit smoking now, to look sexier if you fight obesity now, to check on your tooth with your doctor or whatever. There are hundreds, thousands and even millions of excuses you may give to procrastinate on whatever task you have to do, well its definitely to your personal detriment, excuses will always be there. Get started now! And save your future, your spouse, your children, your job, your health, your life!

Procrastination Study

If you desire to learn or gain more knowledge about Procrastination, this is the best place you can ever be. There are numerous reasons people give to indulge in Procrastination, the reasons are not that important – what’s important is that when you procrastinate, your life starts to dwindle, it starts to drift, and a drifted life produces nothing more than frustration. When you are frustrated, you either wish all things be freely handed over to you – which are impossible, or otherwise, you wish you were dead. These are some of the reasons people give to Procrastinate.

Procrastination is advantageous when it helps us avert some disaster; when decisions are critical and we have little knowledge on our intended course, when the market is not ready for our goods, when you have no concrete "reason why" to embark on a project… Procrastination can be beneficial if it accomplishes these objectives. But on the contrary, which is in 95% of cases, you do not Procrastination because of the beneficial reason, you do for fear of failure, for difficult tasks, for indecision, for perfection, because you think there is enough time, for the fear of starting, because you do not have enough reason why you should embark on the project, you do not really know what you truly want, you do not consider the consequences of putting off tasks, you're not motivated, your attitude is not right, you're not in the mood, you're afraid something might go wrong, you're not committed to your goal….you can decide to go on and on to give reasons, excuses on why you think you should Procrastinate.

Whatever the reasons are, Procrastination can cost you your entire life, its effects cannot be measured, and it outweighs by far the excuses we give. If you indulge in it for long, you’ll only speed up the rate at which you encounter a frustrated life – that’s the kind of life the mediocre, the never do wells live. You’ll want to know some of the long lasting effects Procrastination can bring.

Imagine a world without light – how it would be like if Thomas Edison had procrastinated on discovering a light bulb; if Henry Ford or Eiji Toyota had procrastinated on developing a motor vehicle; how communication would have fared if Graham Bell had procrastinated on giving the world the telephone set. The list can never be exhausted. Imagine a world void of these few things I have just mentioned. In fact, this medium of data transference (the Internet) would have been completely impossible! So you wouldn't have actually been able to read this piece of information if someone somewhere had procrastinated in something. Now it is human nature to think that other alternatives would surface. Think of the numerous persons that conceived the idea of discovering and producing such things (I do understand that an idea is not peculiar to one man on the planet at the same time. There are pockets of sparsely distributed ideas to different persons in different location at the same time) and were not able to. Procrastination is the driving force, the destructive catalyst that empowers such unproductive returns.

The cost and effect of procrastination can be extremely grave in all spheres of life – the personal, spiritual, psychological, professional etc Now pause for a minute to think of the lost relationship as a result of he few contacts you refused to act upon immediately. The latter you push off keeping contacts both in business and personally, the easier it is to loose important customers and people. Think of the disputes you never got settled because of the constant delay – "I will call him and get over with it tomorrow". And a new today keeps bringing in a new tomorrow till it becomes too late. The effect of procrastination can cost you too much in business – the lost opportunities to cash in on , think of the cost of not being proactive, of not being the market leader – nobody ever wants to be associated with the second best – even you!

Lost opportunities definitely will cost you money. Now, you wouldn't tell me you do not know how it feels not to have money on you or at least in the bank. You are as good as dead friend. You'll definitely be angry all the time. It gets a lot easier to be infuriated once you don't have money. This all compound to instigate dispute in the family. Your spouse or children suddenly become the cause of your trouble. Your mental health starts to deteriorate as stress sets in, so is low self-esteem and confidence guilt and feelings of inadequacy.

This is just the tip of an iceberg, why would you wait any longer before you visit.

Work and Personal Time- It's a sign?

Today more and more people are experiencing burnout, insomnia, and stress. Why is that? Many people have a very busy life. We all would like more time in the day an extra hour would be fantastic. Maybe have more time to relax and enjoy life with friends and family. However in society today, it is fast pace. Life is more demanding. It seems impossible to slow down. The road that we are driving on is continuous and there is no stop signs on it. It is a fast race. How do you gain more time to slow down? Here a 3 steps to help you on the journey to conquer the time you have on earth.

1. Start a flexible schedule. Allow a little flexibility into your schedule. The more strict you are the less likely you will slow down and have a balance in your life. Things do happen. Leave room for the unexpected surprises. Don't beat yourself up when situations do occur. Just take care of it. And move on with your schedule. Situations work out and do occur for a reason. Even when it does not make any sense to you.

2. Identify your time blockers. These blockers are those things that are low priority tasks that we think needs to be done. Some examples are taking phone calls when you know you should be working, cleaning out a closet instead of spending that time with your family, checking email every hour, watching T.V. , or surfing the net instead of working on that project that is due in 2 days. These are just a few. The low priority tasks are numerous. Pay attention to these blockers . Explore ways to overcome these blockers and take action to change the blockers.

3. Take note of your workload. You need to schedule on your planner/ calender enough work that keeps you busy. However not too much that will rock into your personal life. Take on additional tasks or projects that will fit into your planner. Schedule time for your work. Schedule time for your personal life. For instance birthdays, anniversaries, or whatever event it is going on in your life. Schedule that onto your calender. This helps with not overlapping events and work in the same time frame.

There is only so much time in the day. You can not buy back time. However make your time worth it. With the right dose of work and personal life, your time will be more productive.