Fighting Procrastination

Every one of us needs to do something about Procrastination. Better still, everyone of us needs to do something about wrong attitudes, habits and behaviors that contribute to our unproductive lives; a life without meaning, without purpose, without vision, mission or destination. Procrastination is a real success monster. The fear of starting is as real as our next door neighbor. We feel it strong in our minds, our spirit and our body. If we understand its grave effects and consequences, what more do you need do than to fight it.

Fighting Procrastination is not as easy as it sounds. You probably have decided to find along lasting solution to this problem but your efforts are not yielding considerable results. Not too worry, you’re not alone. In this report, we will go A-Z on what steps you need to take in order to fight Procrastination.

Fighting Procrastination will require you to know its causes. For now, let’s get down fighting and knocking out Procrastination fast. Some of these tips on Procrastination are exact same tips I offered some college graduates last year, their testimonials are just tremendous.

* Do unpleasant task first and forget about them.
* If a task seems mighty or not inviting, the truth is that you've got to do them and avert some problems in the future – break them down into small steps and tackle them bit by bit.
* Get a deadline for all your projects. Make them realistic so you do not get frustrated when you cannot meet too ambitious goals. There is a kind of urgency attached with a task when a deadline is added.
* Delegate tasks if you have to. Nobody told you that the most successful individuals did it all by themselves.
* Disregard protocols – sometimes, you just have to get started on something – you can start anyhow so you gather enough momentum to continue, when you feel motivated, you can follow orders.
* Change your perception, change our attitude! Because you can easily lie to your subconscious and can deceive it, you become your own worst enemy. Whatever you tell your subconscious is what it acts. You can tell a wrong perception about a task to your subconscious and it will say – yes boss, that's exactly what it is. So why not tell it some good, change your attitude and your thinking about that task – tell it to your subconscious and watch it say – yes boss, that's what it is and we can do it now!
* Now, consider the effects of putting off a task, of not being responsible, of not being in total control, of not making that call, of not checking on the dentist or the doctor, of not trying to loose some weight, quit smoking, being the market leader, being the best you can be.

If you are a perfectionist, you'd have to understand that first, human nature is imperfect.

. Please start this minute. The world is on its knees for you.Then world cannot wait for you to launch that million dollar idea for the benefit of mankind, to reconcile with that old friend, to save yourself ten more years if you quit smoking now, to look sexier if you fight obesity now, to check on your tooth with your doctor or whatever. There are hundreds, thousands and even millions of excuses you may give to procrastinate on whatever task you have to do, well its definitely to your personal detriment, excuses will always be there. Get started now! And save your future, your spouse, your children, your job, your health, your life!