Time Management Technique - Procrastination Through Exaggeration

A reality check is a good time management technique. When you procrastinate because of exaggeration you exaggerate the extent and involvement of a project. Part of you is hoping that will make others just give up and go away, but that doesn’t work all that often. Break the project down into it’s components to understand the full scope of the project, and then just work on one component at a time until it’s done.

Another good time management technique is to get the overall scope down on paper before starting anything. Write out a quick rough draft identifying the big pieces needed for the project. Check and review to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything, and that you haven’t added more than is necessary.

Look at each big piece and write out the major steps or activities required to accomplish each one. This time management technique either re-enforces that the project is as big as you thought, or it demonstrates that maybe it’s not as bad as you were making it out to be. When the project really is big, look for outside help to get things done rather than just putting it to the side because it seems overwhelming.

Delegation is always a good time management technique so ask yourself, “what can I delegate”? Now if you believe the only way to get things done right is to do them yourself this will be really hard for you. If you think this way I challenge you to recognize that you’re also creating your own time management prison where you have to be at the center of everything or nothing happens.

The next time management technique is to break the big steps or activities into all the little supporting steps or activities. This serves two purposes. First, it prevents you from overlooking things and having to scramble to recover. Second, as you go through this thought process you’re getting everything that needs to go on your to do list so you can efficiently work down your list checking things off as you go.

Exaggeration procrastination doesn’t have to foil your time management techniques. Exaggeration is just part of who you are, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. Now you can choose how you respond to your need for exaggeration by stepping up and taking control and getting things done no matter how big or small.