What Should Your Time Management Training Cost in Terms of Money, Time and Results?

So you are running out of time or your people are having issues getting projects completed on time. Time management training may be a viable solution. Before you run out and sign up for that time management seminar or workshop, you should seriously consider the factors of money, time and results.

* Money - Time management training ranges from less than $100 for in-house services to over $1,500 for a 2 day off-site workshop. For example, if each individual in your organizations wastes 12 minutes each workday, this totals 52 hours per year. Depending upon the employee’s salary, your yearly waste in salaries only many range from $500 (based on $20,000 basic salary no fringe benefits) to $1,500 (based on $60,000 basic salary no fringe benefits).

* Time - Is the scheduled time enough to improve the current time management issues? Since human beings are creatures of habit, will a 4-hour to a 2-day – 12 hour training session change the habits of your employees or every yourself? Then training time needs to be scheduled to provide opportunities for ongoing performance or practice to ensure that new effective time management habits have been actively embraced.

* Results - What are the specific and measurable results that you expect from the training? When the results are clearly delineated first, then determining the return on investment for the training is much easier achieved.

When all 3 factors are considered, you as the decision-maker can make a better and more effective time management decision. And do not forget, time management is truly an oxymoron since a constant that being time cannot be managed. Any effective time management training is all about becoming a better manager of you.