Improve Time Management Skill - Identify Your Greatest Obstacles

The desire to improve time management skills is coveted by many if recent searches on the Internet are even a remotely accurate assessment of this desire. From the Internet and all the local public workshops and seminars, there appears that many are desirous of learning time management skills. So if the desire is great and the supply is equally great, then why do so many people still have time management challenges?

First, time management is not about managing time since time is a constant. Second, today’s society is experiencing more change in one year than their grandparents faced during their entire lifetimes. Finally, time management is truly about self-management or self leadership skills.

If we begin to improve time management skills by looking at time management through a different perspective, we then can begin to realize positive behavioral changes. From these changes, we can see improved results.

Now that you understand that time management is not about time, but rather is about how we handle change through our self leadership skills, we begin to identify those obstacles keeping us from improved results. So, what are your obstacles?

After speaking to and working with hundreds of individuals, I have come to realize that to improve time management skills requires that we must have a proven goal setting process and a written goals action plan. For without goals, why do we care if we are on time or not?

Another obstacle to effective time management skills is attitudes or those habits of thoughts. Do you wake up knowing exactly what you need to do first because the night before you planned your next day? Or do you wait to the last minute to see what you are doing in the next hour or two? Poor attitudes are demonstrated through poor behaviors.